Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Human chain blocks neo-Nazi parade in Dresden

Source : Voice of Russia

A human chain has blocked an annual neo-Nazi parade in downtown Dresden commemorating the anniversary of the city’s firebombing in 1945 by allied forces.

Some 13,000 anti-Nazi protesters have formed a human chain that sprawled along the Elbe River in front of the Dresden historical city center to bar the way of extreme right-wing activists who have notoriously been using the infamous Dresden bombing to spread their ideology.

Wednesday's demonstration marks the 68th anniversary of the bombing against the civilian population, which killed some 25,000 innocent people during World War II.

“It is unbearable that all manner of right-wing extremists are attempting to take advantage of the [day of commemoration] crusade of hate and revenge,” Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz was reported as saying.

Voice of Russia, RT

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